Cableries Namuroises

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Ungalvanized wire rope
Steel Core

Câbleries Namuroises - 6x36

Ungalvanized wire rope

The 6x36 is the most commonly used construction amongst various sectors. Its flexibility makes it a multi-purpose wire rope. All the Ungalvanized (also called Bright) wire ropes we hold on stock are greased to avoid a too quick oxydation. Nevertheless, we do hold FC and IWRC as well as RHOL and LHOL.

Technical data

Diameter Ø mm WeigthKg/m Minimum Breaking Load (kN)
8.00 0.26200 44.700
10.00 0.40900 69.800
11.00 0.49500 84.400
12.00 0.58900 100.000
13.00 0.69100 118.000
14.00 0.80200 137.000
15.00 0.92100 157.000
16.00 1.05000 178.000
18.00 1.33000 226.000
19.00 1.48200 252.000
20.00 1.64000 279.000
22.00 1.98000 338.000
24.00 2.36000 402.000
26.00 2.76000 472.000
28.00 3.21000 547.000
30.00 3.68500 628.000
32.00 4.19000 715.000
36.00 5.30000 904.000
38.00 5.90500 1008.000
40.00 6.54000 1120.000
42.00 7.21500 1230.000
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